Ten Things That Scare Freelancers
Just in time for Halloween, freelancer Michelle Rafter offers a top ten list of things that scare her tribe. Do any of these sound familiar to you?
A weblog devoted to spurring a conversation among those who use words to varying degrees in their daily work. Hosted by John Ettorre, a Cleveland-based writer and editor. Please email me at: john.ettorre@gmail.com. "There comes a time when you realize that everything is a dream, and only those things preserved in writing have any possibility of being real." --James Salter
Ten Things That Scare Freelancers
We All Need Help Sometime
A New Blog That's Worth A Look
A Thought for Our Friends in Transition
Cutting Through the Statistical Quagmire:
Why Don't People Read Poetry Anymore?
Earth To Not-So-Breitbart: Please
Erin Knows Sexy When She Sees It
I'm not going to give you that tired old list of looking-into-my-eyes, rubbing-my-feet, champagne and strawberries stuff. I am 44 years old for chrissake. I can do a little better than that. Here goes:
-Overtipping the overworked lunch waitress is sexy (and I mean just slipping a few extra bills under the sugar bowl without making a big showy deal of it).
-I do not miss smoking, but I do miss men lighting my
cigarette.-Whispering something sophisticated and funny in my ear at a dinner party is sexy.
-Work Chinos are sexy. So are the men in them. I don't care about that beer belly, darlin'.
-Desire is sexy. I'm not talking about simply being horny, I'm talking about profound desire, the sort that says I want you. I want to be as close as two people can be, to draw you into me and put my mouth on your mouth and have you so completely that the edges between us blur.
-Taking both my hands in either of your hands and pulling them up above my head and holding them there with our fingers interlaced while we kiss in bed is sexy.
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