Tuesday, May 13, 2008

One Complimentary Weekend Writers' Retreat

I mentioned not long ago that I'd be presenting a workshop at a weekend writer's retreat my friend Claudia Taller has organized at a marvelous Victorian bed & breakfast along the Lake Erie coast. It's coming up this weekend, and there are just two or three spots left. As a token of my esteem for you all, gentle readers, I want to offer one complimentary registration to the reader who sends the best brief description of why they're the one who deserves it (we pick up the conference registration, by the way, you cover the room). You can do it either publicly through adding a comment to this entry, or privately via email at john.ettorre@gmail.com (though we ask that you let us post your description, even if it's not accompanied by your name). So check your calendars, make sure this weekend works for you, and then send along a brief expression of how you might benefit from such a session. Tell us anything you think is germane to the subject: where you're at in your writing, how you've always thought about attending a writer's conference but somehow never got around to it--whatever it might be. Don't be shy, and please don't think of this as a daunting homework assignment. A short, heartfelt paragraph will do. If we get two great ones (and there are still two slots available), we might just spring for two freebies. After all, who deserves more support and encouragement than readers of this blog (your task, after all, can't be easy)? In last week's edition of Cool Cleveland, Claudia nicely explained some of the sources of her inspiration for putting this together. She's a nut for Julia Cameron's The Artist Way philosophy, just as I'm a hardened disciple of the Bill Zinsser On Writing Well approach to craft, and the combination is powerful, indeed. We're talking about possibly collaborating on something even bigger and better for the fall season.


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