Thursday, April 06, 2006

Stones March to the Beat of Chinese Censors

And you thought only technology companies such as Google and Yahoo were catering to the dictatorial whims of repressive regimes when they see a chance to do business with China? Think again. Here's an eye-opening passage from the Hollywood trade journal Variety. The headline of the piece is appropriately "Showbiz in Shackles": 'On April 8th the Rolling Stones will make their first appearance in mainland China, performing in an 8,000-seat stadium in Shanghai. In order to accomodate the Communist regime's ministry of culture, the group that once was synonymous with 1960s -style liberation has pledged not to play "Brown Sugar" and three other songs deemed too risky by Chinese censors.'


At 11:21 PM, Blogger Ron Copfer said...

After having viewed that ridiculous presentation of music at the Superbowl halftime, they should stay in China for all I care....


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