Stop the Presses!
Working With Words
A weblog devoted to spurring a conversation among those who use words to varying degrees in their daily work. Hosted by John Ettorre, a Cleveland-based writer and editor. Please email me at: "There comes a time when you realize that everything is a dream, and only those things preserved in writing have any possibility of being real." --James Salter
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Karl Rove's new book contains serial falsehoods. Who would have thought such a thing was possible? You can review earlier STPs here.
Gandhi to Rove. A journey beyond lightyears. Brings to mind the function of words to enlighten or deceive. You have helped me to understand that. With Rove, I figure, the words are not so much even to deceive us, but himself from truth.
As utterly distasteful a figure as he is on multiple levels, I've always tried to cut Rove at least a small break in my mind, since he's the survivor of a uniquely traumatic event: his mother's suicide. But he sure makes it hard to be sympathetic.
Perhaps like Rush's drugs, words cover truths that are difficult to bear. It is when we meet silence that truth must be faced and a gentle guide into that realm is most appreciated. I appreciate your humanizing even Rove, and have been grateful for the meandering paths of thought your forum invites us to share.
As we age, life, thought, and spirit embrace so many paradoxes. Athough some boundaries become more defined, in other ways linear thought becomes more difficult because life on many levels is filled with such richness that words hardly do it justice.
I'll be the first to admit that I can find absolutely no understanding in my heart for Limbaugh. That's where I draw the limit. Unlike Rove, he seems to display little or no regard for those upon whom he rains down hateful words, year after year, nor even pretends to. He'll get his just rewards eventually, perhaps in this life, but certainly in the next.
Rove merely exemplifies the self-delusion of his ideology and faith-based policy ideologies. He's trying to justify himself by "correcting" the historical record. But he and his followers have always lived in a delusional Bizarro world. There has always been a strain of rhetoric in US politics that tries to paper over with words some uncomfortable truth, rather than face it squarely. The problem is when such rhetoric has become the default rhetoric that controls policy decisions.
Part of the tragedy of this is that Rove surrounded himself by cronies, with no honest children to ever say that the emperor was naked. And that is in essence a capsule summary of the entire neo-conservative movement.
Amen, brother.
The only courage that I'm aware of is that of the poor men and women who were sent to protect us, many of whom suffered the ultimate consequence. What could he possibly be referring to? Lying is courageous? I guess he got it half right, because lying sure carries consequences!
Stacy! The only thing we like better around here than first-time commenters is FTCs who are also ooooooooooooold friends. Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation.
Useful post. We look forward for the next. Thanks.
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