The Most Irritating Phrases in the English Language
The Canadian newspaper the National Post raises the question what are some of the most irritating phrases in the English language? I think they nicely cover most of mine. Think of this as a companion of our earlier post about words that make you wince. So don't be shy: step right up and add your most irritating phrases.
"Seems doable to me."
"Good 'nuff."
I detest "crotch."
I love parallel and perpendicular, though. Nonsensical is a good word. So is clerestory. And bejeweled? I could bejewel all day.
Hi John!
Howdy to you, Erin. Those seem pretty good to me...or bad, rather. Please give my best to the Goat.
Probably the one I am most guilty of is: "To tell you the truth..." which my wife is always removing from my posts.
I hate it when a writer (or newscaster) begins a story with a statement and follows it with "That's the word from..."
For example:
Italian food is becoming more popular. That's the word from John Ettorre, an expert on the subject.
Your wife is performing a valuable service, Jim. And Jane, please don't make me hungry.
like we live in the "valley," Dude.
That's high on my pet peeve list also, Steve.
I really don't like the phrase "needless to say." If it's not needed, DON'T SAY IT.
Also, I hate the use of the word "absolutely" to convey a simple affirmative. Goes somethin' like this - A bubblehead TV host will ask a silly question and the guest "expert" will respond with "Absolutely." Sometimes the guest seems in love with this word and will continue, as in "Oh! Absolutely. Absolutely." Sometimes, for fun, I like to count how many times I hear this word in a "news" (ahem) program.
None of these bother me too much in oral language. But it's that deadly habit we all sometimes have of letting these cliches and bad/lazy usages seep over into our written language that becomes a real problem.
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