Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hillary's Formidable Money Machine

'HillPAC, which is really the holding company for Hillary's political machine, supplements the salaries of Hillary's Senate staffers. It pays the consultants who write Hillary's speeches for, say, a Gridiron dinner. It pays for the Beverly Hills firm Capital Strategies, which lassoes Hollywood money for Hillary. It pays about $5,000 a month to Hudson Media Partners, the political arm of the Glover Park Group, the powerhouse corporate consulting firm of Hillary's top communications guru, Howard Wolfson. It writes checks to Occasions, the swanky Washington caterer that outfits Hillaryland events at Whitehaven (the Clintons' Georgetown mansion). One of its largest expenses is to direct mail firms like O'Brien, McConnell & Pearson and Merkle Response Services, which are canvassing every nook of the United States for Hillary donors. By 2008, Hillary may have the most massive fund-raising database in politics.'
--From an illuminating piece on "Hillaryland" in The New Republic, by Ryan Lizza. Her aides estimate that since 2001, Clinton has raised $50 million.


At 1:13 PM, Blogger Jill said...

Ok, but what do you think about this, John? I'm interested to know.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger John Ettorre said...

Hmmm. What do I think about it? Probably two things: It strikes me that like the George W. operation, which has benefitted enormously from inheriting his dad's decades-long ties to moneyed interests, Hillary's camp is benefitting from Bill's earlier fundraising network. In that sense, we do seem to be sliding into a bit of an aristocratic presidential succession phase that feels a bit undemocratic. But impressive money raising abilities aside, I still believe, deep in my heart, that Hillary is probably still unelectable to the White House, because A). she begins with so many people fervently against her (I think most smart people understand that her attempts to steadily move to the middle as a senator notwithstanding, she's still pretty liberal), and B). America probably still isn't ready for a female president, sad to say.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Jill said...

Hmmm. Thanks, John.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger John Ettorre said...

Hillary is hated for much the same reason that Bill was hated by conservatives: because this couple is a symbol of everything they hated about the youth generation of the Sixties. With conservatives, nearly everything goes back to the Sixties, when, in their estimation, the world went crazy and everything turned upside down. And Bill and Hillary didn't just survive (despite the hatred of the right), they actually thrived. And as long as they continue to succeed, the right will consider it a provocation to everything they hold dear.

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what you people don't understand is that Hillary is a dangerous woman desperating looking for power and trying to thrive on deceit and deception.

At 12:34 PM, Blogger John Ettorre said...

I think it's fair to say that our anonymous friend speaks for several tens of millions of American. Thus my assumption that she's unelectable to the White House.

At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think she is electable for president but she could win the democratic primary primarily because her husband could raise more money for her than any other candidate could ever raise for themselves. She does not really have any accomplishments that she has done on her own. She is disliked by so many people in the country and unlike her husband who was really smart and could outwork almost anyone and had a lot of charisma and magnetism she doesn't really posses any of those traits nearly in abundance as he does. At some point you have to be able to do it on your own and she just is not going to able to come close. If her husband is able to get her the democratic nomination which being a masterful potitician and still the most powerful democrat in the country he may be able to do it. However it will be an easy win for the republicans in the general election.


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